– Develop 4 preliminary sketches
Full scale roughs:
– From these 4 sketches, choose 1 and further
develop them into 2 full scale roughs
After getting my thumbnails up, I finally chose the four best drawing and redraw them nicely in the preliminary sketches. A little edits here and there plus some colouring to see which one is the best..
(click to enlarge)
Pic 1: I love to eat honey
Pic 2: Jumpy me
Pic 3: I love the sea
Pic 4: Adventurous
I chose picture 4 eventually. Can you spot the "WAI" letterings?
(click to enlarge)
I drew two editions, with the letters arranged differently to see what kinda different effects it can create to the viewer. I'm an adventurous person, which explains the mountains. Secondly, I love the sun and nature, which explains the greenery. That was how I elaborated the drawing..
Pictures taken during tutorial 1 when we had to paste our works on the wall. The rest of the class will provides comments and critiques to our work.
However, my work wasn't really well received and my other designs were preferred, for example, the bee and kangaroo design. Can I get any comments from here??
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