• Size of actual artwork: A3
• Color: full color
• Targeted audience:
– General public of Singapore
• Locations of poster:
– Bus stops
– Notice boards on busy streets
– Neighborhood & community centers
• Step 1:
– Pick an area associated to the theme, i.e. iN2015
– Write a copy (text which goes on poster) of not more than 150 words
• Step 2:
– Brainstorm: Sketch a few poster ideas (simple thumbnail sketches)
– Design the poster such that it coveys the meaning through layout (placement of visual elements ‐ photos, text, graphics elements etc)
• Objectives:
– Understanding the importance of basic visual elements and design principles in communicating a message
– Developing necessary techniques to communicate the message through form
– Application of basic visual elements and principles to capture fast, passing audience
This one is tough, cos research has to done. I'll need to fully understand the whole iN2015 masterplan in order to be able to convey the message clearly to my audience..

1st of all, I'm gonna need a Singapore map since this is a nationwide project
Integrated the fibre optics picture of the globe into the SG map to show that SG is connected to the rest of the world at high speeds

I tried to tilt the map a little, but it doesn't have any extra effects, so i scrap it..
Now to the phototaking.. OMG, it was really time consuming adjusting the lightings n the position of my hands
And finally, i got it right after like 30 shots??

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