• Story telling: Your story can be with or without a twist
• Media: Photography (with or without photo manipulation via software)
• Equipment: Point and shoot Camera or a good handphone camera (min. 3MP)
• Size: Approx. 3R each photo.
Step 1:
• Idea generation: Create a (few) sketchy storyboard to visualize your ideas.
• Capture a series of photographs, try out different compositions on each shot.
Step 2:
• Assess and arrange the photos
• Photo manipulation (optional) to enhance its visual communicative impact
• Understanding and overcoming constrains/ problems of representation
• Using photographic representation techniques to communicate your ideas effectively
Storytelling using photos? That sounds abit easier as I don't have to draw. Let the camera do the talking!!
This is my rough storyboard sketch..
The actual photo taking

What I was trying to do is to add more drama into the story, cos I guess alot people are gonna do the story twist. Well, if u consider the CNB officers disguised as drug buyers as a twist, it's fine too.
Feedbacks received wasn't that gd, cos it seems that there must be a "moral of the story" if there isn't a twist in it. The moral? "Don't borrow from loan shark", "Don't gamble in stock market", "Don't borrow money which you can't repay".
My pictures didn't fully convey the story. Think that's the problem when I try to be dramatic. There's too much to tell. And with the restriction of not using words, it's a little tough.
Perhaps I should have added a picture like this?

Haha, I think this will say a lot rite?
There's still some tweaking to do for sure..
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